Having recovered from a cold I picked up, the lupus has done its usual and put in a bit of an appearance: a new rash on my back, ‘hurty’ patches on my feet and the base of my neck, some stiffness and aches in my hands, as well as the revival of the usual mouth ulcers and fatigue and perhaps most worryingly for me, the odd headache. I have also developed a kind of burning stomach sensation that I suspect is just a pregnancy-heartburn-reflux-thing but I am concerned to confirm this as my steroid dose has increased and this has caused problems with stomach ulcers in the past.
I have taken sensible lifestyle precautions such as cancelling appointments and getting plenty of rest but symptoms weren’t showing signs of improvement so last night Tony (my hubby) and I were debating what course of action I should take: should I contact the lupus consultant?, the specialist obstetrician?, the midwife team? or, (my suggestion) “leave it a bit longer and see how it goes until next Monday when I have a my next fixed appointment - after all, things might 'just get better'?”
The last suggestion didn’t go down well with Tony, who pointed out that "the ‘leaving it to see if it sort itself out strategy’ has often proved disastrous for us in the past where, far from getting better, symptoms have spiraled out of control and required dramatic treatment that might never have been necessary if we’d just ‘nipped it in the bud’ in the first place!"
In my defense I reverted to the words have popped out all too often in recent years “I just don’t want to bother them unnecessarily … I just don’t want to be like the ‘boy who cried wolf’”
Even just after I said it I knew it was very un-Living Well with Lupus
Drawing on the lupus / wolf connection Tony retaliated “But you are not making it up! It’s not like you are a bored shepherd boy with nothing better to do (!), ‘the wolf’ actually has confronted you (and does so a lot of the time) so you are justified in asking for help whenever it appears”. And of course, he was absolutely right.
At the end of the 'Boy that Cries Wolf' fable Aesop spells out the moral. I guess the moral of this story is that lupus is a REAL wolf and there is absolutely no shame in asking for help ... in fact it is the wisest thing to do.
Right. I'm just off to make that phone call now and if needs be, I urge you to too.
Right. I'm just off to make that phone call now and if needs be, I urge you to too.
I agree, go and make that phone call Daisy, Lupus or not you are pregnant and any pregnant woman would never hesitate to call her doctor if she felt unwell. Hope all goes positively for you.
Best wishes and good health!
Hi Daisy,
Thanks for the kind comment on my blog. It's so great that there is this network out there. Its been very comforting to read of other people's relatively normal lives in spite of lupus, especially things like having children. Congratulations on your little bun in the oven!
Stay well,
Hi ,love your blog. I have just started one on Fibromyalgia although i am being tested for Lupus now. Coincidently chose same template as you but yours is much more attractive !!!
I hope you are feeling better than your last post and best wishes with your pregnancy.
Thanks Leslie and Janet. Thanks for visiting and keep in touch.
Well done for getting your blog up and running Janet - I'll make a point of visiting. I hope you get the lupus issue resolved one way or another soon.
What's the meaning of lupus, what the hell this disease causes ? I'm very curious about its effects.
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Thankks for this
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