I was therefore really pleased to hit upon a very insightful tip when I was resting yesterday, given in Lupus Now by another 'loopie' in America, called Ann Utterback. It struck me as a very succinct way of expressing the key to Living Well with Lupus. It gave me the focus I needed to get back on track mentally during a moment when I was feeling rather despondent so here it is in case it is also of help to anyone reading this:
Practice the four P's:
1. Plan
2. Prioritise
3. Pace yourself
4. have Patience
I think this is excellent advice because it is simple and clear yet it captures everything that is key to working around the lupus.
Incidentally, I recommend Lupus Now in general. It is the magazine produced for loopies and their families by the Lupus Foundation of America. It was recommended to me by one of the loopies that took part in our research (thanks Dierdre!) and I now subscribe, although you can now access it online too: http://www.lupusnow.org/ I find the articles are relevant and offer lots of useful information and advice.
Anyway, I am off now to dot a few 'Four P' post-it notes around the house to remind me to plan, prioritise, pace myself and be patient, so I won't go wrong.
An excellent blog, keep up the good work Daisy! DTB
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