I need to get this down in black and white (or more accurately green and white in this instance), so it’s ‘out there’ for everyone to see and to ignore it would be entirely hypocritical on my part. To 'practice what you preach' is after all, only right.
The funny thing is that in my heart of hearts I know that this lesson, if learnt properly, is one of the most fundamental ways to ensure you can optimise life and get on in spite of lupus. I’ve been told it by others: doctors and loopies alike, and even learnt it the seriously hard way for myself and I think I may have already written abou it on this blog before, but I just seem to lose sight of it every so often and bugger it up (last Friday for instance). I wonder, does anyone else have this problem?
Anyway, I include it now as a permanent ongoing reminder to myself. As with so many things appertaining to lupus, there is a definite element of paradox at its heart but remember this, and you will thrive much better:
When lupus hints that it is about to put in an appearance, the best thing to do is nothing. In other words the best action is non-action. That is stop and rest; physically, mentally and emotionally. Cancel what you had planned. You’ll be surprised (as I invariably am) that in spite of what you might believe, in reality there is actually very little that really just cannot wait. If on the other hand, you choose to ignore it, it will just get worse and suddenly everything has to wait, like it or not. This can be much more long term. Listen to your body and never try to push on regardless. Ironically, the less you do now, the more you will be doing in due course.
Some highly important little sub-points to be remembered:
- Although it might not be planned or especially convenient, relaxation is always a wonderful thing so be flexible, and remind yourself to just enjoy it and then you are still living well
- Good old Richard Carson reminds us we should “let go of the idea that gentle, relaxed people can’t be super achievers” - oh yes we can!
- Gently does it. Once the rest has done the trick and you have restored some of your ‘va-va-voom’, resist the temptation to go crazy otherwise you’ll find yourself trapped in a vicious circle
What wise words. Now all I have to do is just make sure I take heed ...
experience makes good advice relevant thanks
Absolutely - to quote Henry Brooks Adams (whoever he is!?): "All experience is an arch to build on"!
Thanks for taking the time to read and I'd welcome any input and experiences of your own at any time.
Daisy x
best result you see home tree ment
Home treat ment For body
Home treat ment For body
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